The City of Kitchener has released new land uses, policies and zoning regulations that will guide development within Kitchener’s station areas. Through an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law Amendment, ‘Growing Together’ proposes new land uses, policies and zoning regulations for properties within Kitchener’s Protected Major Transit Station Areas (PMTSAs).
The new planning framework reconciles many different perspectives and tries to provide the greatest possible amount of certainty and flexibility. In addition, the new rules seek to encourage complementary built form through transition, separation, and zoning regulations that control for the scale and impact of new buildings.
To achieve this Floor Space Ratio (FSR) is no longer used to regulate density, using a variety of form-based regulations instead and there is no longer a requirement to provide a certain amount of parking. Lastly, Growing Together adds extra guidance for priority streets to ensure that they contribute to a better public realm with more active uses and provides for a broader range of uses for all building types.

Engagement Opportunities & Next Steps:
Comments on the framework are accepted until November 30, 2023 with a target approval date in Q1 of 2024. The team is currently meeting with industry stakeholders and will spend the remainder of 2023 implementing any changes based on feedback received and preparing for approval.
For more information on the project and to provide feedback
Below is a brief summary of the proposed New Land Uses & Zoning
Land Use: Strategic Growth Area (SGAA)
Zoning: SGA1 & SGA2
The SGAA land use limits new buildings to low and mid-rise forms and is applied mostly in and around existing low-rise, predominately residential neighbourhoods. The SGA1 and SGA2 zones are applied within the SGAA land use. Compatible non-residential uses are permitted in the SGAA land use, such as small shops and personal services. No building over 8 storeys is permitted in the SGAA land use. Any development proposal for more than 8 storeys will require an Official Plan Amendment (OPA). The implementing zoning also limits large portions of the SGAA areas to low-rise only. Any development proposal for a mid-rise building within a low-rise zone will require a Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA).

Land Use: Strategic Growth Area (SGAB)
Zoning: SGA2 & SGA3
The SGAB land use limits new buildings to mid-rise and moderate high-rise forms and is applied mostly on the edges of existing low-rise areas. The SGA2 and SGA3 zones are applied within the SGAB land use. A full range of non-residential uses are permitted in the SGAB land use. Existing and new low-rise buildings are still permitted in the SGAB land use. No building over 25 storeys is permitted in the SGAB land use. Any development proposal for more than 25 storeys will require an Official Plan Amendment (OPA). The implementing zoning also limits large portions of the SGAA areas to mid-rise only. Any development proposal for a high-rise building within a mid-rise zone will require a Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA).

Land Use: Strategic Growth Area (SGAC)
Zoning: SGA3 & SGA4
This map shows the SGAC land use. The SGAC land use is applied to large, underutilized sites and properties next to ION station stops, where high-density intensification can be supported, is expected, and is planned for. The SGA3 and SGA4 zones are applied within the SGAA land use. A full range of non-residential uses are permitted in the SGAC land use. Existing and many new types of low-rise, as well as all types of mid-rise buildings are still permitted in the SGAC land use. The implementing zoning also limits portions of the SGAC areas to 25 storeys. Any development proposal for a taller building within an SGA3 zone will require a Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) or a Minor Variance application.