The City of Ottawa is developing a new comprehensive Zoning By-law for approval by Council in 2025. The by-law will implement the policies and directions in the new Official Plan approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on November 04, 2022. Once approved, the new Zoning By-law will replace the current Zoning By-law (By-law 2008-250).

Consultation on the new By-law is now open with the release of 7 discussion papers and corresponding surveys. The papers address key issues related to the implementation of the new Official Plan. Below is a link to each paper, a one page summary of each topic and corresponding surveys.
Climate Change, Resiliency, Public Health
Land Use Strategies for the New Zoning By-law
The release of these papers is a first opportunity for the public to consult on the new By-law. The City is welcoming feedback and will summarize received responses in a ‘What we Heard’ report later this year. The feedback on the discussion papers will inform the development of the first draft of the Zoning By-law. Surveys close on July 28, 2023.
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